Ticket Sales

Thank you for supporting

Comedy for a Cure



Your unique viewing link will be emailed to you before the show!

Would you like to add the following items to your order?
FULL SCREEN Tribute Ad $1,500.00

Tribute ads will allow you to honor a loved one or our event honorees with a FULL SCREEN Tribute Ad.

(1920 pixels width x 1080 pixes height)


Our virtual event program will be played throughout the evening - at the beginning of the show and at the conclusion.  Anyone purchasing a tribute will receive a copy of our virtual program on a USB flash drive.

HALF SCREEN Tribute Ad $750.00

Tribute ads will allow you to honor a loved one or our event honorees with a HALF SCREEN Tribute Ad.

(960 pixels width x 1080 pixes height)


Our virtual event program will be played throughout the evening - at the beginning of the show and at the conclusion.  Anyone purchasing a tribute will receive a copy of our virtual program on a USB flash drive.